The prices for Tropicana 100% pure squeezed orange juice have been reduced and drinking Tropicana has now become more affordable. The new reduced prices apply to the Tropicana PET range, Tropicana Orange and Smooth 1.0 litre and Tropicana Orange and Smooth 1.75 litres.
Tropicana orange juice is the only authentic, not from concentrate, 100% orange juice brand. It gives you the delicious, mellow taste of pure squeezed orange, with nothing added and nothing taken away. Tropicana Pure Premium has no sugar, water or colouring added.
“Drinking just one glass of Tropicana Pure Premium equals one of your five daily portions of fruit and vegetables as recommended by health and medical experts,” said Ms Cynthia Caruana, Brand Executive for Tropicana. “Tropicana juices are also cholesterol and fat free and Tropicana Pure Premium contains a full day's supply of Vitamin C. With new reduced prices for the range, it is now even more tempting to try them out!”
The Tropicana range of juices is imported, marketed and distributed by Quintano Foods Limited, a subsidiary company of The Farsons Group of Companies.
For more information on Tropicana visit http://www.tropicana.co.uk/.