Ms Cynthia Caruana, Marketing Executive at Quintano Foods Limited presenting the sponsorship cheque to Mr Chris Camilleri
Quaker Oats is the main sponsor of canoeing athlete Chris Camilleri. A dedicated and talented athlete, Chris has competed in the past two editions of the World Championships where he achieved extremely positive results. In August he will take part in the ICF Canoeing Flatwater Racing World Championships in Duisberg, Germany and Quaker Oats will be accompanying him during this event.
Chris starts his day with a bowl of Quaker Oats for a number of reasons. “The high level of carbohydrates of Quaker Oats helps me to replenish my body’s glycogen levels after training and keeps me going,” said Chris, also stating that eating a diet consisting of Quaker Oats as part of a diet low in saturated fat can help to maintain a healthy heart. Quaker Oats also contains Vitamin E and some B vitamins, as well as iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
The subject of nutrition is one that is well worth mastering by any athlete since it not only involves choosing the proper foods, but also knowing how much to eat, and when to eat. Eating right for a training regime and competition schedule allows the fuel burnt during training to be replaced and supplies the ingredients required to build strength and muscle. Athletes perform at their best when their diet meets the nutritional demands of the body.
Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fluid, vitamins and minerals are all necessary to build the foundation of a cutting-edge sports diet and good health. Like any good diet, a training diet simply emphasizes high quality foods, variety and balance among the food groups.
Quaker Oats fall under the category of carbohydrates since they provide them in a complex form and are a high energy fuel source for the body during exercise.
Quaker Oats are imported, marketed and distributed by Quintano Foods Limited, a subsidiary company of The Farsons Group of Companies.