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Uncover the possibilities of the night with Absolut’s new limited edition bottle 11/21/2017

Uncover the possibilities of the night with Absolut’s new limited edition bottle

Absolut Uncover follows the brand’s creative tradition of introducing end of year limited edition bottles featuring innovative and eye-catching designs. This year’s bottle offers a unique opening ritual as its coat can be unwrapped to reveal a special limited edition bottle hidden beneath. The coat’s design draws inspiration from the glimmer of a night sky and the bottle underneath the sleeve features a beautiful design that has been printed on the iconic transparent bottle. Once the bottle is unwrapped, the party gets started as this symbolizes the endless possibilities that the night has in store if you let your true self shine.

Absolut has created four signature drinks inspired by the launch of this limited edition. The drinks reflect the different possibilities the night has in store and include unexpected ingredients.

Absolut Uncover Limited Edition will feature approximately 2.8 million bottles, to be distributed worldwide.

For more details please refer to the local Absolut Malta Facebook page or follow us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

Absolut Vodka is imported, marketed and distributed by Farsons Beverage Imports Company (FBIC) Limited, a member of the Farsons Group.