Sustainability - Wellbeing - Alcohol - Drinking Cisk

Responsibility / Wellbeing

Alcohol & Responsible Drinking

Whilst the majority of people consume alcoholic beverages responsibly, there are still some who do not, risking harm to themselves and others. As leading producers and distributors of alcoholic beverages, we have always been keenly aware of our own responsibility to advocate, and promote, responsible alcohol consumption.

Drink Aware, Get The Facts

Farsons are founder members of The Sense Group, and have actively supported its activities since its inception in 1997. The Sense Group’s main objective is to reduce alcohol related harm by promoting moderate drinking.

Over the years, under the ‘Drink Aware’ umbrella, The Sense Group has carried out numerous campaigns to promote responsible patterns of drinking, and share advice with clear, no-nonsense, fact-based messaging.

By targeting a range of demographics through a mix of broadcast initiatives and online media promotions, The Sense Group serves to raise awareness about the misuse of alcohol particularly in relation to binge drinking, underage drinking and drink driving. The Sense Group also engages with the restaurant and bar trade in order to encourage responsible practices.

You can find out more about these Drink Aware campaigns here
Drink Aware Malta

Enjoying Alcohol Responsibly

Our effort to promote responsible drinking is on-going and aims to encourage the consumer to make a considered and informed choice. All our advertising and packaging material related to alcoholic beverages include an ‘Enjoy Responsibly’ message and also feature references to Drink Aware Malta.